
I feel the silent,
I listen to the nothingness,
The wind is blowing,
it is very calming,
I feel my body,
getting lighter. 

I am savoring the moment,
I feel the moment, 
I feel the now.

I am not in the past,
I am not in the future, 
I am here, now, in the present. 

Right now,
I feel
My breath,
I inhale,
My lung expands,
Air filled my body,
Cells feel their nourishment,
My hand feels lighter, 
My feet feel grounded,
I feel grounded,
Like roots connected to the mother earth,
feeling the energy from earth,
I feel the wind on my face,
my body relaxed gradually,
I relax,
That feeling is so comfortable,
I am in the middle of the universe, 
It is quiet,
I feel the energy in my body, 
warmth, gentle and kind,
flowing through my whole body,
I feel my heart beat, 
signifies life & love that I have for myself.

bless you
Bless yourself <3


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