
Showing posts from April, 2020


有些时候, 容易对自己产生怀疑, 那, 怀疑自己是好吗? 有些人认为, 适度的怀疑自己, 是一种谦虚, 代表着, 这个人还希望进步, 还希望学习, 透过这个方式, 让自己察觉可以进步的空间。 有些人认为, 适当的怀疑, 某种能力, 或者是自己, 是一个正常的过程, 尤其是再学习新东西的时候, 有些人, 透过学习, 了解不确定因素, 来解决怀疑, 对事情的怀疑, 对自己的怀疑。 那,你认为呢?

Child Maltreatment

A quarter of all adults report having been physically abused as children. One in 5 women and 1 in 13 men report having been sexually abused as a child. The consequences of child maltreatment include impaired lifelong physical and mental health, and social and occupational outcomes can ultimately slow a country's economic and social development. Preventing child maltreatment before it starts is possible and requires a multisectoral approach. Effective prevention programs support parents and teach positive parenting skills. Ongoing care of children and families can reduce the risk of maltreatment reoccurring and can minimize its consequences. (Sources from WHO Child Maltreatment: ) Child maltreatment is the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation ,...

Foster meaning in the face of hardship

"Those who have a" why "life can tolerate almost any" how "life.-Victor Frank Those who have the meaning of why, why he wants to do this, and why he lives can tolerate how life is. Victor Frank, a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust, was in the Nazi concentration camp at that time. He is also the founder of logotherapy and Existential Psychoanalysis. When we find our reason in life, we can bear all the suffering. Another way of saying this is to find meaning in suffering. I am a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. I cannot find meaning when this happened. I was too young at the time, but now I am who I am because of my past and my life has a different meaning. Through my past, I foster my meaning from it. The meaning of my life is that I want to help others, accompany others on their journey, and counseling so that others do not need to experience the process of long-term domestic violence like me. Shape the meaning of my life in the face of sufferi...


“那些有'为什么'生活的人,几乎可以忍受任何'怎样'的生活。- 维克多.富兰克 那些拥有着,明白着,为什么的人,为什么他要这样做,为什么他活着的人,可以忍受生活的如何。 维克多.富兰克,一位犹太人大屠杀的生还者,他在当时的 纳粹集中营 ,就是秉持着为什么而度过种种的如何被对待。 他也是 logotherapy 的创始人,也是意义治疗与存在主义分析(Existential Psychoanalysis)的创办人。 当我们在生命中找到我们的理由,我们可以承受一切的苦。 另外一个说法是,在苦中寻找意义,我是一位家暴和虐待生存者,我无法在发生这一切时寻找意义,当时我太小,可是现在的我,因为我的过去,我的生命有了不同的意义。 透过我的过去,我从中去塑造我的意义,我的生命的意义是我要去帮助别人,陪别人走过旅程,辅导,以便别人不需要像我一样,经历长期别家暴的过程,就算是我无法改变,至少我可以陪伴,这对我来说已经意义非凡。 在苦中塑造自己生命的意义。 生命中,不缺乏苦,也就因为苦,生命变得有深度,也意义,对我的意义,也因此不同。 隽结 心灵辅导师

Life-forward direction

Recently, I read a concept about life -forward direction. Life-forward direction, No matter how life challenges me, Sad, disappointed, Frustrated, helpless, angry, Excited and insomnia. I am trying to adjust Settle down, Understand who I am, In my heart, There is still a trace of energy, The energy I have for life, A wish and hope that things will be better, A life- forward direction, In such difficult times, remained Hope, the vital energy for me, Even if the situation is difficult, I don't have to have all the answer, I don't have to know all the "how" I take one step at a time, But I believe in life, Even if it might be difficult in the future, There are meanings in these experiences, I grow because of them, In my heart, things will get better. Life-forward direction.


最近, 阅读到, 向往生命, 无论生命如何给予我挑战, 伤心,难过,失望, 沮丧,无奈,生气, 激动,失眠, 调整了自己, 安顿了自己, 明白了自己, 心中, 还是有一丝能量, 一种向往生命的能量, 一种期待会更好的能量。 在这种困难的时候, 心有希望, 就算处境难以想象, 也不知道如何才可以做出来, 可是相信生命, 就算未来变得还是没有很好, 经历的这些的意义, 成长后, 我希望会自己成长, 心中有着,东西会变好。 向往着生命。

Life and Answer

At this time, We have plenty of time to think Why did I come to this world? Is the job I am doing suitable for me? What else? Is there something missing in my life? Me: I hope that after the MCO, I can go out and do something I want to do. To go after what I was afraid to do, to go after what I have missed or ignored in my life. MCO, My freedom is restricted, I was reminded, How can I live, What do I want in my life? What is the purpose of my coming to this world? What do I want to accomplish in this world? What do I want to contribute to this world? life, Is a journey someone said, Life is a homework, A homework we are all working on, There are many levels, Through this journey, Learning, unlearning, meeting people, going through stages of life, growing up, experience, The process of born, getting old, sick, and dead. Learning to acquire to learning to accept lose I haven't found the answer in my life, Many of my answers are constantly chang...


这种时候, 很容易想, 很多时间想, 到底为什么我来到这个世界? 我做着的工作是否适合我? 我有什么事情是以前没有做的? 我希望MCO后,可以出去做一些我想要做的事情。 MCO, 我的自由被限制了, 我被提醒, 我可以如何生活, 我要的东西是什么? 从小到大, 我是不是都会思考, 到底我来到这个世界的目的是什么? 到底我来到这个世界想要完成什么? 到底我来到这个世界想要贡献什么? 人生, 是一条路, 也可以是一趟很长的路程, 有人说, 人生是一门功课, 我们都在修的一门功课, 有很多关卡, 我们透过这个旅程, 学习,修,与人结缘, 成长, 经历, 生,老,病与结。 从学习得到知道学习失去。 我还没有找到人生中算有的答案, 很多答案也不断地在变化, 进步,该井,蜕变, 有些却在,退变,消失, 人生, 捉摸到的东西, 变化是唯一的固定。 这个MCO, 我学习了几点: (1) 我很感恩我有一个屋檐 (2) 我很感恩我有食物 (3) 我很感恩 我有健康的身体 (3) 我很感恩 我有朋友家人 助人与心灵辅导是我的使命与希望的事情。 希望MCO 结束后,大家可以在生命中的地位找到一个指南针。 祝福你,祝福自己。 感恩 隽结 心灵辅导员


嗨,您好,我是Jun Kiat,我是一名注册辅导员和心理辅导咨询师。 我有15年与儿童,青少年和上班族一起工作的经验。我一直以来都是提心理咨询以及陪伴。 我坚信心理咨询是一种帮助他人的方法。作为创伤幸存者和家庭暴力幸存者,我坚信倡导儿童和青少年的声音。作为客户多年,这种经验帮助我与客户建立了更好的关系,以陪伴他们自我探索。 我相信整体的幸福感。工作,生活,心理健康,食物,住所,艺术,音乐,应对技巧,朋友,家人等都是生活的一部分,它们可以以不同的方式影响我们的生活。我致力于帮助客户找到平衡点,,并帮助与他们共同前进。在心理咨询中,我将采用合作的方式。 引用: “如果让人们接受日落,人们就像日落一样美妙。当我看着日落时,我不会发现自己说:“在右上角稍微弄些橘子。”我不会试图控制日落。当它展开时,我敬畏地看着。”卡尔·罗杰斯 我相信以客户为中心的方法可以更好地为我的客户提供服务,以帮助他们发挥潜能。因此,我对此产生了强烈的共鸣。


很常,我们听到:自我照顾很重要。 但是,什么是自我照顾?  “自我照顾在在身体,情感,关系,专业和精神健康方面得照顾自己 " 自我照顾是:   (1)充分休息  (2)吃到舒适的食物  (3)穿着方式让您感觉良好  (4)促进营养,健康的饮食。  (5)运动。  (6)练习放松练习和练习冥想  (7)与亲人花足够的时间。  (8)笑  (9)做自己喜欢的事情  (10)吃自己喜欢的食物  (11)与有需要的家人,朋友或同事建立健康的界限  (12)从社交媒体排毒  (13)与治疗师交谈  (14)在精神上连接到你的内在自我  (15) 透过宗教链接自我, 不自理:  (1)狂欢地看电视直到深夜,不固定吃饭  (2)花很多钱在买东西上,并出现经济状况 (3)shopping花太多钱  (4)随便吃零食会使您感到更糟 <3 感恩 心灵辅导员

What is self-care?

At times, self-care is important. I am practicing self-care. However, what is self-care? "Self-care taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, relationally professionally, and spiritual well-being Self-care are:  (1) Get enough rest (2) get comfortable food (3) Dress in a way that makes you feel good  (4) Promote a nutritious, healthy diet. (5) Exercise. (6) Practice  relaxation exercises and practice meditation (7)  Spend enough time with your loved ones. (8)  laugh (9) Do things that you enjoy moderately (10) eat your favorite food (11)  setting healthy boundaries with needy family, friends, or co-workers (12) detox from digital/social media (13) talk to a therapist (14) connect to your inner self spiritually Not self-care : (1) binge-watching tv until late night and skip meals (2) spend lot of money on buying things and struggled with the financial situation (3) overspend money on traveling (4)  mindless snack...

My Story

Hi, I am Jun Kiat, a registered counselor and counseling psychologist. I have 15 years of experience working with kids, teen and working adults. It has always been my passion to help and to counsel. I strongly believe in counseling as a way to help with one's well-being. As a trauma survivor and domestic violence survivor myself, I believe in advocating for kids’ and teens’ voices. Being a client for years, the experience has helped me to relate better with my clients in order to accompany them along the journey of healing or the journey of self-discovery. I believe in holistic well-being. Work, life, mental health, food, shelter, art, music, coping skills, friends, family, etc are part of life and they can impact our lives in different ways.I am endeavored to help clients to find the balance, meet my clients at where they are and help them to walk the journey together. In the session, My goal as a counselor is to create a safe, nonjudgmental, and kind atmosphere, in order to...

Work and Boundaries

During this period, W ork from home, It seems that work and home are linked together. The boundary is unclear, Not sure I am in resting mode or working mode. Two of them are blended together. Hence, the sense of routine and sense of space is important. Some will wear certain cloth to signify that they are working. After work per se, they will take a bath and change into homey clothes. The gesture helps them to adjust to a different tone in the same setting. It is important to eat regularly, F or some, T hey decide not to handle work-related stuff after 7:00 p.m., T o differentiate between working and resting, T o create a sense of space for resting, S ome will adjust their lighting at home, S ome will move their furniture. Despite that, It is common to feel annoyed and frustrated, Because our private space is invaded by work, When someone tries to look for you after working hours, Some will try to separate their working phone and a perso...


这段时间, 工作在家里, 休息也在家里, 界限好像模糊了。 分不清自己是在工作模式, 还是在休息模式。 两个混淆了。 仪式感和空间感很重要, 有些人, 会换上特定的衣服来上班, 下班后,会洗澡,会上普通的衣服, 这个仪式感的交替, 提醒自己, 生活规律的变换。 有些人会设定时间, 过了7点不再处理工作的事宜, 休息与制造不同的空间感。 在生活上, 可能可以调不同的灯光色调, 或者移动家具, 营造出不同的空间感, 来帮忙拟定界限。 虽说如此, 还是难免会烦躁, 当公司在其他休息时间, 找你时, 可能可以尝试把工作手机与个人手机分开, 准备两个不同的电话, 过了工作时间,就不再回复了。 一些tips (1) 知道什么任务是很重要必须先完成,以及你的价值 (2) 清楚的沟通你的需求和状况 (3) 制作生活构造 (4) 设定界限 (自己设定自己需要的界限,没有人清楚我们需要的界限是一个怎样的界限) 界限很重要, 感觉24/7都在工作, 很容易burnout, 觉得无力,很累,心累, 头痛,一直生病, 这些都可以时burnout的症状。 下一篇,我们来聊聊 Self-care 是什么? 还有可以如何self-care JK 心灵辅导员

Anxiousness and Fear

B e gentle and kind toward yourself during MCO In the face of anxiety and fear It is normal to feel helpless W orrying, what would be next? What should I do next? When will it end? I worried about the money. The thought starts to ruminate. It is normal and common for us to experience this. G etting impatient toward everything . I can feel that the anxiousness and fear, T hey are trying to tell me, They wish that I act on it, I watch them come and go, I don’t react. I re-focus on what I can do. I cook. I clean my room. I clean my own personal space. I lay my foot on the ground, F eel the texture of the floor, I take a deep breath, Feeling my lung, filling with the oxygen, Breath in and breath out, Feeling the cell absorbing the oxygen, I feel grounded. Sometimes, I feel alright, At times, I don’t feel so good. Sometimes, It is hard to focus. And it is ok. I decided to learn some new dishes, I decided to learn how t...


MCO, 对自己温柔些。 在焦虑与恐惧面前 感觉无助, 担心着, 接下来怎么办? 几时结束? 钱财怎么办? 不耐法, 让我对孩子失去的耐心。 感觉焦虑再告诉着我, 希望我做些事情, 可是现在我可以做的事情有限。 好吧,我去烧菜吃。 好吧,我去整理房间。 我去整理自己的空间。 脚踏着地板, 我深呼吸, 感觉我的肺, 吸气与呼气, 感觉细胞吸收着氧气, 脚踏实地。 感觉好了许多。 决定学一些技巧。 学煮新菜式。 学tiktok 累了,腻了,就休息。 虽然如此,还是觉得不能专心,焦虑,不耐烦。 好吧,找家人朋友聊天去。 好了一些,原来大家都面对这一些难题。 MCO后,生活的转变, 大家都在适应着, 不容易, 可是学习中, 允许自己 , 对自己温柔, 心情不好, 心情焦虑, 心情不耐烦, 都是可以了解的, 给自己时间调适。 祝福你,祝福自己。 <3 隽结 心灵辅导员